Sunday, March 24, 2013

The end!

I am officially finished with Animation Mentor! It's been tiring and amazing, and I have gotten brilliant work out of it. I will no longer be updating this blog with Animation Mentor things, as everything has moved to! I'll be using this as more of a personal blog, showing what I'm working on, animation-related or not.

In five hours I'm off to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco and with any luck, I'll be employed in the next month or two! :DDD  Until then, I'll be relaxing a bit and continuing to polish my work. At the end of April I'll be playing a lead in a local production of "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" which I'm super excited about.

Here's my demo reel:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Terms 5 and 6!

So here's what I've been working on (sorry for the long long delay!).

This is what I worked on all Term 5 (September to December):

And here is the (almost final) polished version that I've been working on this term:

And last (for now) is the reference I filmed for my new shot:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

End of Term 4 and Beginning of Term 5!

To start off with, here's my final shot from the end of term 4:

And now I am starting term 5! IN KOREA! I got here yesterday and it is awesome. This blog is staying animation-specific, but if you want to know more about my Korean adventures, head on over to my other blog: I'm Four Otters

This term, we're doing one assignment for all 11 weeks. Here are the clips I'm going to be choosing from:

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Week 1 of splining is here and guess what?


Here you go (rewatch my assignment from last week for superawesometude):

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lipsync Reblock

So I've decided I have no idea how I prefer to spell 'lipsync(h)'. I don't think it matters, but I would like to have a preference. Especially as I'm going to be teaching English in South Korea! My best friend and I got two job offers today! So much excitement. :D

On top of that, I got my THIRD A- in a ROW this week! Dana also mentioned me in the Q&A as one of the best assignments this week. She says my exaggeration is awesome. I am so happy.

She also said she's going to start grading us even harder, so that's good (in the long run at least :P).

Here's what I've done this week. Look out for next week's coming up soon!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Lipsynch Ahoy!

I am no longer leprous and I am back in the game! Woo!

The past two weeks have been all about our first dialog shot. First it was planning, with my three favorite clips from the last blog post, and then it was blocking and focusing on expressions.

Let me just preface this by saying.... I'm on my second A- in a row. Feels good, man. Especially with how much harder the grading is this term.

The work has also started taking twice the amount of time, possibly because there are twice as many controls. My body mechanics are really starting to come together, though, which is a great feeling.

Here we go!

Doing an animatic for these made blocking SOOO much easier. My mentor really appreciated it too.

And the blocking! Bishop was kinda tricky to work with, but it's still probably the best rig I've ever encountered.

And our expression studies: